Reference player of Mixed Reality
With 13 years of experience and partnerships with Microsoft (HoloLens), Meta (Meta Quest), Magic Leap (Magic Leap 2), and Trimble, Synergiz is recognized as the key player in Mixed Reality in France and internationally.
As both a Developer of its own software solution Synergiz Harbor and custom interactive solutions, as well as an Integrator and
Reseller, Synergiz supports you in the design and deployment of your immersive projects in
Mixed Reality / Augmented Reality on headsets and tablets/smartphones.

Discover Synergiz Harbor – a multi-device Mixed Reality collaboration software solution – to deploy your projects in the enterprise.

For which use cases?
Sectors of activity


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Our 5 pillars
a global offer to successfully address
your Mixed Reality projects
Comprehensive Mixed Reality hardware and software offer for your company.
Complete deployment of our solution (Expertise, hardware configuration…).
Support for change and empowerment (training, transfer of skills…).
Creation, transformation and capture of 3D and multimedia content.
Center for innovation, experimentation
and development.